
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * A transactional plug to manage internal state safely.
 * CAF goal is to create and manage billions of long running, active, stateful
 * proxies, i.e., CAs, where "long running" means years. In order to tolerate
 *  -without human intervention- failures, upgrades, migration, or other errors,
 * the CA state has to be managed carefully.
 * A complication is that CA state is not only application state, but state
 * associated with the plugins that the application uses.
 * Also, CAF always ensures that CA state is consistent with
 * the externalized view of that state, i.e., CA actions that affect the
 * external world.
 * For example, if a CA sends a message, and it keeps track of
 * sent messages in its internal state, even in the presence of failures
 * it should never forget that it sent that message.
 * CAF approach assumes:
 * 1. Operations that affect the external world are mediated by a
 *  plugin that makes them idempotent.
 * 2. Plugins defer these operations until commit time, ensuring that, before
 *  execution, a persistent record of them has been checkpointed to an external
 *  service.
 * 3. All plugins and application code coordinate using a two-phase commit
 * protocol, so that disaggregated state is managed consistently.
 * 4. During recovery the last committed state is reloaded, and deferred
 * operations in the checkpoint are retried until they succeed.
 * Methods `__ca_setLogActionsTarget__` and  `__ca_lazyApply__` defer methods.
 * Methods `__ca_init__` and  `__ca_resume__` handle initialization and
 * recovery.
 * Methods `__ca_begin__`,  `__ca_prepare__`, `__ca_commit__` and `__ca_abort__`
 * implement the two-phase commit protocol.
 * Variable `that.state` is a JSON-serializable representation of this plugin
 * state. The contents of this variable are always checkpointed before
 * any state externalization, unless it is `null`.
 * @module caf_components/gen_transactional
 * @augments module:caf_components/gen_container
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const genContainer = require('./gen_container');
const myUtils = require('./myUtils');
const async = require('async');

 * Helper constructor method for a transactional component.
 * Description of types in file `types.js`.
 * @param {ctxType} $ A context containing references to other components.
 * @param {specType} spec Configuration data for this component.
 * @return {Object} A new generic component.
 * @throws {Error} If inputs are invalid.
exports.create = function($, spec) {

    const that = genContainer.create($, spec);

     * JSON-serializable representation of a plugin private state.
     * The contents of this variable are always checkpointed before
     * any state externalization, unless it is `null`.
     * @type {Object}
     * @memberof! module:caf_ca/gen_transactional#
     * @alias state
    that.state = null;

     * Backup state to provide transactional behavior for the handler.
    var stateBackup = '';

    var logActions = [];

    var logActionsTarget = that;

    const childrenSpec = that.__ca_getChildrenSpec__();

    var transChildrenObj = null;

    const applyFun = function(method, args) {
        return function(x, cb0) {
            try {
                const argsAll = (args || []).concat([cb0]);
                const wrappedMethod = myUtils.wrapAsyncFunction(x.obj[method],
                wrappedMethod.apply(x.obj, argsAll);
            } catch (err) {

    const childrenSeriesTransF = function(f, cb) {
        const findTrans = function() {
            const result = {};
            childrenSpec.forEach(function(x) {
                if (!that.$[]) {
                    throw new Error('Missing child ' +;
                } else if (that.$[].__ca_isTransactional__) {
                    result[] = x;
            return result;
        transChildrenObj = findTrans(); // throw if any child missing
        const transSpec = childrenSpec.filter(function(x) {
            return transChildrenObj[];
        const transComp = [];
        transSpec.forEach(function(x) {
            const obj = that.$[];
            if (obj) {
                transComp.push({obj: obj, name:});
        async.mapSeries(transComp, f, function(err, res) {
            if (err) {
                cb(err, res);
            } else {
                const result = {};
                transComp.forEach(function(x, i) {
                    result[] = res[i];
                cb(err, result);

     * Run-time type information.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_isTransactional__
    that.__ca_isTransactional__ = true;

    const replayLog = function(cb) {
        async.eachSeries(logActions, function(x, cb0) {
            try {
                const args = (x.args && x.args.slice(0) || []);
                const wrappedMethod = myUtils.wrapAsyncFunction(
                wrappedMethod.apply(logActionsTarget, args);
            } catch (ex) {
                ex.method = x.method;
                ex.args = x.args;
        }, function(err, data) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                logActions = [];
                cb(err, data);

     * Sets a receiver object implementing all the delayed methods.
     * @param {Object} obj A receiver for delayed methods.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_setLogActionsTarget__
    that.__ca_setLogActionsTarget__ = function(obj) {
        logActionsTarget = obj;

     * Queues an operation to be executed at commit time.
     * Internally, operations are made asynchronous and executed serially by
     * adding an extra callback. The actual implementation of these operations
     * is delegated to the `logActionsTarget` object.
     * Operations are assumed to be idempotent.
     * @param {string} method A method name to execute.
     * @param {Array.<any>}  args An array of method arguments.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_lazyApply__
    that.__ca_lazyApply__ = function(method, args) {
        logActions.push({method: method, args: args});

     * Initializes the state of this plug from scratch.
     * This method is called only once, when the plug is created.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue after initialization.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_init__
    that.__ca_init__ = function(cb) {
        try {
            logActions = [];
            childrenSeriesTransF(applyFun('__ca_init__', []), cb);
        } catch (err) {

     * Reloads the state of this plug from a previous checkpoint.
     * It also retries deferred operations in the checkpoint.
     * This method is called many times, for example, after
     * recovering  from a failure or restarting after migration.
     * @param {Object} cp The last checkpoint of the state of this plug.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue after resuming.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_resume__
    that.__ca_resume__ = function(cp, cb) {
        try {
            cp = cp || {}; //Hot code changes add a new transactional plugin
            const cb0 = function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    cb(err, data);
                } else {
                    that.state = cp.state || that.state;
                    logActions = cp.logActions || [];
            childrenSeriesTransF(function(x, cb1) {
                try {
                    const wrappedMethod = myUtils.wrapAsyncFunction(
                    wrappedMethod.apply(x.obj, [cp[], cb1]);
                } catch (err) {
            }, cb0);
        } catch (err) {

     * Begins a two phase commit transaction.
     * CAF calls this method before the application handler processes
     * a message. A read-only copy of the message is passed as an argument
     * to facilitate configuration.
     * @param {Object} msg The message to be processed.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue the transaction.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_begin__
    that.__ca_begin__ = function(msg, cb) {
        try {
            if (that.state) {
                stateBackup = JSON.stringify(that.state);
            logActions = [];
            childrenSeriesTransF(applyFun('__ca_begin__', [msg]), cb);
        } catch (err) {

     * Prepares to commit the transaction.
     * CAF calls this method after the handler has succesfully
     * processed the message.
     * If ready to commit, it returns in the callback a JSON
     * serializable data structure reflecting the new state after
     * processing the message.
     * Then, CAF checkpoints this data structure using a remote service.
     * To abort the transaction we return an error in the (node.js) callback.
     * This will abort all the transactional plugs associated with the CA.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue or abort the transaction.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_prepare__
    that.__ca_prepare__ = function(cb) {
        try {
            const cb0 = function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    cb(err, data);
                } else {
                    if (that.state) {
                        data.state = that.state;
                    if (logActions.length > 0) {
                        data.logActions = logActions;
                    cb(err, data);
            childrenSeriesTransF(applyFun('__ca_prepare__', []), cb0);
        } catch (err) {

     * Commits the transaction.
     * Called by CAF when all the `prepare` calls to transactional
     * plugs were successful, and the new state of those plugs has been
     * checkpointed using an external service.
     * An error during commit will shutdown the CA since we cannot abort
     * committed transactions. See `__ca_resume__` for the recovery strategy.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue after commiting.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_commit__
    that.__ca_commit__ = function(cb) {
        try {
            const cb0 = function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    cb(err, data);
                } else {
            childrenSeriesTransF(applyFun('__ca_commit__', []), cb0);
        } catch (err) {

     * Aborts the transaction.
     * CAF calls this method when an error was returned
     * by the handler, or any transactional plugs propagated an error during
     *  `prepare`.
     * Note that an error during remote checkpointing cannot
     * guarantee that the checkpoint was not made durable, and we need to
     * assume that it did. This means that we need to shutdown the CA.
     * An implementation of this method should undo state changes and
     * ignore deferred operations.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue after aborting.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_transactional#
     * @alias __ca_abort__
    that.__ca_abort__ = function(cb) {
        try {
            if (that.state && stateBackup) {
                that.state = JSON.parse(stateBackup);
            logActions = [];
            childrenSeriesTransF(applyFun('__ca_abort__', []), cb);
        } catch (err) {

    return that;